If we start with the older liturgical church, the Catholic Church, (which has its own section here) the variants are as follows since religion is a man-made thing.  Christianity is a fluid religion thus anyone who invents some weird practice can open a church and create and with the advent of the internet and Television, they have multiplied and bullshitted their way to the top of the religious fake dung heap.

The thought occurred to me with all these religions, if one is the true path to Godliness, all the others are fakes...frauds, bird brain ideas and not benefitting anyone

The Latin Church - Eastern Catholic Churches - Independent (self-identified as Catholic) - Eastern Orthodoxy - Oriental Orthodoxy - Church of the East - Proto- Protestant Groups - Anglicanism - Anglican Communion - Calvinism -  Presbyterianism, Congregationalist Churches - Anabaptists and Schwarzenau Brethren - Plymouth Brethren and Free Evangelical — Churches - Methodists, Pietists and Holiness Churches - - Baptists - Spiritual Baptists - Apostolic Churches – Irvingites - Pentecostalism - Charismatics - Neo- Charismatic Churches - African Initiated Churches - Messianic Judaism / Jewish Christians - United and uniting churches, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) - Stone- Campbell Restoration Movement - Southcottites, Millerites and comparable groups - Adventist (Sunday observing) - Adventist (Seventh Day Sabbath/Saturday observing) - Church of God movements (Sunday observing) - Church of God movements (Seventh Day Sabbath/Saturday observing) - Sabbath-Keeping Movements Separated from Adventists - Sacred Name groups - Nontrinitarian groups - Latter Day Saints, Oneness Pentecostalism - Unitarianism and Universalism - Bible Student - groups Swedenborgianism - Christian Science - Non-Trinitarians, Esoteric Christianity - Racialist groups - Syncretistic Christianity  Christian Internet Churches - LGBT-affirming Christian denominations 

Regardless, the majority fit or are related into some main Categories though some have been denied affiliation or enrollment… This is the most divergent and competitive group in the Wedding Planning business and interpretation of Religion for that matter proving once again Religious diversity is manmade and a whole bunch of bullsh*t.

SIMPLE TRUTHS - RELIGION KILLS MORE PEOPLE THAN ANYTHING ELSE  — For some reason none of them seem to agree with each other all claiming theirs is the real path.  I suggested at one time that God subscribe them all to Garmin Location GPS Devices so all of them could find the right path.  

As one who took several Psychology and Humanity courses in college as I thought they would help in Business Admin,  studying the effects of religion on individuals disclosed  several things, one of which is critical and becomes apparently clear.  

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One in kind particular to diversity and proves that most religions are man-made, there is only one G-d and that's why people kill each other for the front row seats unfortunately not believing enough to do the right thing so they do the wrong thing.

I have been gathering wood to build a large boat if the boss decides they have gone too far. 

To quote: "In the beginning there was the heaven and earth and God created man”. Man took off and ran with it and today every conceivable variation and nut case revisionist have brought strange stuff to the table from the devout to the brain-dead devoted. Like ice-cream, there are flavors for everyone and the real truth gets lost in the conversation about as quick as ice cream melts.


There is no way I could list all the possible variations to Baptist Wedding Planing - Traditions & Rituals of Baptist Weddings. Should you and your fiancé belong to a Baptist church, you already know the ceremony has a highly religious element. The Baptist wedding is defined as an act of worship in which you seek God’s blessing in front of a community of the faithful. 

Other than that, the restrictions are not as demanding as some people are led to believe.Your Baptist ceremony requires that the two of you be baptized Christians, and this is not an area where you can expect a lot of wiggle room. If you already belong to a Baptist church, talk to your minister about finding an appropriate house of worship to suit your needs. If you don’t  belong, call several pastors to find the right church.

Baptist ministers are always in demand, and you need to search for them immediately. If you don’t have a minister, start investigating as soon as you’ve set the date. They for some reason all have different agendas.  Before you start planning on where to put the new china, it’s likely that you will have to schedule pre-marital counseling, as well as marriage workshops. 

You might be asked to abstain from sex until after you are married. Also, some Baptist ministers will not marry you if you are living together. Show different drivers licenses. These rules vary from minister to minister, so when you talk to pastors, be upfront and honest to avoid  unnecessary problems later on. 

If he or she is not working with you pass, theres another just down the block. Pentecostal wedding traditions are similar to those found in other Protestant faiths, only weirder including the white bridal gown and veil; the bridal bouquet; the exchange of vows; a brief sermon by the officiating Pastor; and the partaking of the sacrament, or communion. 

The reception is held at the church hall, a private home or hotel, and commonly includes punch and wedding cake, among other refreshments. There is usually no dancing or alcohol -- not even champagne toasts -- at a true Pentecostal wedding reception. Guests throw rice or birdseed at the departing newlyweds for good luck. There is no fornication standing up, folks would think they were dancing.

But, if you haven't witnessed a full blown Pentecostal revival that happens to be in progress with a marriage ceremony, look out, the spirit is strong and you will witness a few caught up in it, auditioning for "Dancing with the Stars” or auditioning for the Dallas Cheerleaders.

And there are a few hundred of them… I apologize if I missed yours, especially if it involves snakes, other strange customs,  a tambourine extravaganza, animal rites, other heathen customs.  Actually they are the norm. Most customs in the Church

today came from directly I might add pagan rituals. The snake handlers have had a bad year. Four of their ministers promoting this abomination of the Bible have died in the course of showing they were not really believers. GOD may not of approved the snake routine since the snake was introduced back to Adam and Eve.


  • Look in the phone book, note there are hundreds of Churches all with diverse themes and the game is wide open as to rules and regulations. 
  • It’s not unusual for churches of the same denomination to differ. Each is an independent business. The goal of the largest percentage of churches is not the GODLY life but  is attendance and making tax-free money.  Unfortunate but true.
  • POINT TAKEN —  There is no guide just as there appears to be a problem in finding the one true religion. 
  • Find the church your affair will be taking place in.  If in the weeks before you commit , find out when there is another wedding taking place in that church.
  • To do that , just pickup the monthly directory at their front door one day to find out or check on line.
  • Walk in like you own the place. Dress nice, you are a friend of the groom, and observe.
  • Just sit in a back pew and follow everybody around casually using your light meter or even better a small digital, no flash to get EXIF information. 
  • You watch the operation take place. This will give you the clues you need for the job. 
  • Not all you need to know, the rehearsal will tell you the rest but you are one leg up on anyone else.
  • There is a wealth of knowledge to gather here. Some are casual, some are very strict with ground rules. 
  • For example, Pentecostal weddings can be very strait laced,  too damn much and then they go all out nuts. 
  • But you never know when you'll get a winner.  I covered one that was so open and nuts, I actually got some great shots out of it.  People are crazy. religious acts give them permission.
  • Scout out the church beforehand. I can’t emphasize this enough. Trying to fix things during a Wedding doesn’t work. They won’t wait while you adjust or learn to use your light meter or strobe. And remember to write it down, take notes, about time of day and any ambient light coming through the windows, plus additional light settings of the back area.  So you know before hand what you are up against. Light changes during the seasons, remember that.
