Close to Americas Biggest RELIGIOUS Scumbag

First We Start With Gloria Copeland — The other Copeland Fraud - Is promoting prayer as a way of avoiding the FLU… Evangelical minister Gloria Copeland caused a stir by telling her viewers to “inoculate yourself with the word of God” as a means of battling the flu virus. She appeared on CNN’s Anderson Cooper.
An Evangelical minister who advised President Donald Trump's campaign sparked an uproar Tuesday by suggesting that Christian faith makes people immune from the flu. Like peas in a pod, T-RUMP attract schmucks in his house, how white of him, not for long…

Preachers Talking Like Doctors And This Is Before Covid — We call him Kem-meth, because to live with the lies this bastard puts out, you gotta be on something stronger then two Tylenols…
Texas minister Gloria Copeland, who sat on the T-RUMP campaign’s evangelical executive advisory board, denied the country is in the midst of a severe flu outbreak in a Facebook video that went viral because, “Jesus himself is our flu shot. He redeemed us from the curse of the flu.”
"We have a duck season, a deer season, but we don’t have a flu season and don’t receive it when someone threatens you with ‘everybody is getting the flu,'" Copeland added. "We’ve already had our shot: He bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases. That’s what we stand on. And by his stripes we are healed.”
Typical crock of sh*t portrayed by fake Messiahs for control of their ignorant, naive, low intelligence flock…
Public health experts immediately panned the remarks while some other members of the evangelical board distanced themselves from the comments.
“We don’t agree with that statement,” said Johnnie Moore, the unofficial spokesman for the panel during the campaign who frequently meets with White House officials on policy and engagement with the evangelical community. “I don’t know
Refused To Cooperate During The Investigation — AVVO - Kenneth Copeland—Despite
being under investigation, Kenneth Copeland refused to submit financial
information about his ministry, saying “You can go get a subpoena, and I won’t
give it to you. It’s not yours, it’s
God’s and you’re not going to get it and that’s something I’ll go to prison
over. So, just get over it.” Not a single person in
the White House who would agree with that.”
Copeland lives in a mansion that some have said is “the size of a hotel.” He also has acquired a $20 million Cessna Citation private jet for flying around the country to spread the word. And of course, he owns an airport for landing said airplane.
4/2018 With a net worth of 760 million dollars Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, who jointly run Kenneth Copeland Ministries, are the 800-pound gorillas of the Televangelism world.
They have more wealth than the rest of the name on the top list combined. His ministry’s campus is a sprawling 1500 acre estate near Fort Worth, Texas, and includes not just a church, but also a private airport , six airplanes and a deluxe hanger for the ministry’s $17.5-20 million dollar jets. The ministry also owns a $6 million dollar “parsonage” which sits on the shores of a lovely lake, and is used to house the hard working minister and his family.

Flying High — “For God so loved the world that he gave this untrue believer, scumbag, crook and definitely an unofficial son, an airport”. Kenneth Copeland so loved airplanes so much, he bought an airport with the funds you thought were for the needy, the poor, the dying children world wide. He kept the20 million he scammed for Haiti and Puerto Rico…
So we looked into the real story. Greed. Searching for the craft used to deliver these self- appointed and anointed disciples around the globe was easy. The FEDS keep the records of who owns what. And the FAA has the records of who flies where.
Or simply searching on Google and Wikipedia shows how many of these LORDS workers like to bop around in Citations, Challengers and just about anything smaller than John Travolta's 707. John is a Scientologist, another strange new-wave invented mind changing quasi religious crew but his money came from acting. Hmmm, maybe I'm wrong, maybe these preachers are actors and all they need is your wallet.

Food For Fraud — Copeland is different, he asked his benefactors to give him money to start a relief foundation with aircraft to deliver aid to places like Haiti. Then Haiti happened and I guess according to the Rev. Rich Vermilion, they raised millions of dollars, all donated, bought airplanes but was never spent on the project which was sold as relief. And has never been accounted for. Nothing went to Haiti for the disaster relief. I verified with the Coast Guard who ran the temporary tower in Haiti for the only runway in Haiti operable that a Copeland Ministries Aircraft with Food and medicine had ever landed… the answer was no.
There has never been an open accounting or explanation given regarding the Angel Flight 44 - earmarked funds given to date according to the investigators. He does acknowledge that KCM formed a Disaster Relief Fund, but adds:
A generic relief fund is a far cry from a fully operational disaster-relief aviation ministry … my experience with Kenneth Copeland, his family, and his ministry, has given me the regrettable opinion that they may be nothing more than religious frauds. He had so many planes he needed an airport, again the flock who are getting "flocked" responded. One had to get his own airport. The Kenneth Copeland Airport is a private airport established by Kenneth Copeland Ministries to serve the area of Fort Worth, Texas.
Airport Ownership And Management From Official FAA Records…

NEWARK, TX 76071
Aircraft based on the field: ( Can Vary)
Single engine airplanes
Multi engine airplanes
Pure Jet airplanes
52/ a week Local General Aviation — 67%
Transient General Aviation 37%
Kenny Copeland’s Air Force
Cessna Citation 550B III
Grumman Gulfstream II (worth $4.5 million)
Cessna Golden Eagle
Beech E-55
King Air
Eclipse 500
New A Citation-X
Small Aircraft
New Runway and Parking
Support Vehicles
— Not Exactly a Letter From The Corinthians — The Scam —
— And a Big Thank You For Your Generous Gifts —
— And Money For His Toys Never Used for Relief —
— Let The People Starve —
As your volunteer team leader, I want to
personally thank each of you for your generous gifts that make possible the CX
Team’s role of helping KCM accomplish its vision. I’m writing you, Partner to
Partner, because I know that together with the Lord, we are a mighty
TEAM–achieving what might seem to some as impossible! And while the Lord has
faithfully provided seed for each of us to sow, He’s also shown me that He has
been preparing a HARVEST for each of us to reap.
In fact, earlier this year when the CX leadership team met to pray and hear from the Lord, the word we heard was harvest. Yes, HARVEST, HARVEST, HARVEST! The Lord reminded us that, through our CX Team giving, TOGETHER we have SOWN into KCM a Citation X, a state-of-the-art HD TV truck, and now we’ve sown a Gulfstream V–all of which are producing a bountiful harvest for every single team member. Not really but your money fed his appetite for airplanes, he has nine or ten expensive plane and custom built runways and aircraft parking worth millions, His net value is 300 million dollars.
Your money used for his carnal pleasures of greed and untruths and you were stupid enough to believe him… Only Creflo Dollar has a more expensive plane. But Kem-Meth has more than nine…
We Are Expecting To Reap A Massive Harvest — We must think of ourselves as sowers of that magnitude, and as harvesters who can reap at that higher place! We haven’t just sown our individual CX gifts; collectively, through Mission 3, WE HAVE SOWN A GV as a team. If you calculate the hundredfold return on Mission 3 alone…what a massive harvest! God wants that kind of prosperity in the hands of Partners like us who will fund the gospel. Get ready. This team is going to a new place in the Kingdom. And it’s going to be life- and ministry-altering!
About The Purchase Of The Gulfstream V — I know you are eager to learn about our progress. Thank you for your patience! We delayed writing you while working through the initial phases of the GV purchase so that we could give you the most informed update.
First, the Holy Spirit confirmed to Brother Copeland that the Gulfstream V was the plane the Lord had set aside for KCM. Right away discussions began, and Brother Copeland developed a wonderful personal relationship with the seller, Christian businessman and movie-maker Tyler Perry.
Soon a contract was signed, a cash deposit was paid, and the aircraft was brought to Dallas for a very thorough pre-buy inspection process, which has wrapped up in November. And praise God, it was actually during THANKSGIVING week that the purchase was completed, the title was signed, and thanks to the CX Team, the cash was in the bank to mark it paid in full! Hallelujah, it’s done!
There’s More Work To Do — But our work as the Elite CX Team is not done. Overall, this Gulfstream V is in outstanding condition and is an exceptional value; however, before it goes into regular service for KCM, we want to upgrade the avionics to meet new standards the FAA will require in the near future.
We also need to reconfigure the interior to better serve KCM’s needs for international flights. In the next few weeks, the avionics and interior work will commence. The cost of these upgrades is approximately $2.5 million. So, as Elite CX Team members, we need to set our faith NOW on receiving that additional seed so that we can sow it within the next three to four months, as the upgrades are completed.
Beyond the purchase of the Gulfstream V and its upgrades, remember that the overall Mission 3 goal is $17 million. By sowing the balance of those funds as the CX Team, we will be sowing toward: the construction of a new hangar, upgrading the existing runway, and purchasing special GV maintenance equipment.
So, what is God putting in your heart to set your faith for? Have you named your CX seed? We, like David’s mighty men, are a mighty force of agreement for each other. The Copelands, the KCM staff, the leadership team and I are pressing for your harvest and our harvest as a team. Let’s be aggressive in our faith, in our giving and in our harvesting! Pastor George and Sister Gloria have been ministering recently about this harvest. Watch it at, and you will be blessed.
We know the Lord, and we know Brother Copeland. Vision won’t stop coming and faith doesn’t stop increasing. At the Dayton Victory Campaign, he said, “The spirit of increase” is on this Elite CX Team. So know this: the Lord is working with your seed. He is providing any seed you need. He is making sure our mission is clear, and He is bringing in the harvest. According to Mark 11:22-23, the CX Team believes that we can have what we say, and we are convinced in our hearts of that. So with no doubt in our hearts, let’s boldly confess:
Your Money To Feed Children The Refugees And The Poor Went
To Copeland's Empire, Suckers...
From Cnn - Disclosure — Gloria Copeland – Regularly tells her audience not to seek medical treatment like Chemotherapy. Instead, they should be “planting seeds” (sending money to the Copeland Ministry) so God will bless them with a cure. And to buy the shit they sell on TV and more airplanes. God should strike them dead, period for those of us where Chemotherapy is a tool, I am a cancer care giver and know what works and doesn’t work and thoughts and prayers are two bullshit items politicians and fake prophets use all the time.
From Wikipedia — 2007 Copeland was accused of using his $20 million Cessna Citation X jet for personal vacations and friends. The Copeland’s financial records are not publicly available, and a list of the Board of Directors is not accessible as these details are protected and known confidentially by the Internal Revenue Service.
Responding to media questions, Copeland pointed to an accounting firm's declaration that all jet travel complies with federal tax laws. However, In December 2008, Copeland's 1998 Cessna B550, his second jet, valued at $3.6 million, was denied tax exemption after Copeland refused to submit to disclosure laws for the state of Texas.
“Sin-Ate” Investigation — On November 6, 2007, United States Senator Chuck Grassley, Republican of Iowa, announced an investigation of Copeland’s ministry by the United States Senate Committee on Finance. Chuckles because he talks the talk and does nothing is afraid of Copeland and his followers for votes.
The Associated Press reported that Grassley said the investigation was a response to complaints from the public and news media. Grassley stated, "The allegations involve governing boards that aren't independent and allow generous salaries and housing allowances and amenities such as private jets and Rolls Royces." And large cattle ranches with lots of livestock.
IRS guidelines require
that pastors' compensation be "reasonable" and net earnings may
not benefit any private individual. Grassley asked for the ministry to
divulge financial information to the committee to determine if Copeland made
any personal profit from financial donations, and requested that Copeland's
ministry make the information available by December 6, 2007. The Copelands
responded with a "Financial report from Kenneth Copeland Ministries."
KCM created a website to help explain their side of the inquiry”. That was the Copeland ‘ Mein Kamph”….
Kenneth Copeland Ministries Has Come Under Fire — For failing to fly disaster relief supplies to Haiti’s earthquake victims after allegedly promising aviation assistance in the event of natural disasters. The organization is also under scrutiny by the Senate Finance Committee for possible abuse of its nonprofit status, has been accused of «unfulfilled» pledges and unaccounted donations.
While there is a huge crisis going on in the nation of Haiti Kenneth Copeland’s promised Angel Flight 44 ministry is nowhere to be found and the money he collected to start that ministry has not been accounted for, said Rich Vermillion, co-author of Angel Flight 44. The Texas-based organization has rejected the allegations, calling them misleading and potentially damaging misinformation. Some call this rejection, misunderstanding the truth.
According to Swisher, Angel Flight 44 has collected only $7,788.43 and the donations have been spent on plane repairs. KCM has purchased an aircraft but it “currently has structural issues” and is still “not in airworthy condition.” Also, the spokesman said they are lacking funds to buy a new aircraft in addition to their four planes.
However, it is our desire to have an aircraft to fly assistance during disaster relief efforts, Swisher commented. We are believing God for the finances to have a fleet of aircraft to use during such instances.
Church aircrafts at the hangar used by Kenneth Copeland and his ministry. For now, the organization has set up a disaster relief fund. Since August 2005, the KCM/EMIC (Eagle Mountain International Church) Disaster Relief Fund has received more than $2.4 million. A little over $2.2 million have been directed for relief to areas affected by recent hurricanes in the U.S. such as Katrina and Rita, the tsunami in Myanmar, fires in California and other storms, according to Swisher.
But I have to ask, "Why a fleet of five aircraft is needed by the Church"? Copeland Air, This kind of money collected by a Church, I guess could have been used in a better way.
Kenneth Copeland Ministry should have sent his Church members traveling Business class around the clock, in stead of spending 100 million dollars on a fleet of private jets. Even the Pope uses commercial chartered carriers. But I guess they feel the love of Jesus money warrants a more luxurious way than Kings and Queens?
Jesus the Messiah was not carried on the Gulfstream sitting in a leather seat on His way up to Jerusalem, I believe he did it on a one seat donkey fed grass for fuel and fertilizer was a bonus…
Fly Me To The Moon — And Leave The Crook There…
I am a pilot, spent 32 years around airports, owned a half dozen airplanes myself. I know a little about airplanes, costs, and upkeep. It all evolves around usage, that determines the cost. Fixed vs. ancillary charges and depreciation all add into the equation. Early in my flying career I had the opportunity to see up front some of GOD's JETS. I kept my plane at St. Petersburg-Clearwater airport (PIE) on the West side of Tampa bay.
One day the ramp filled with G2's, Sabre's, Lears and Hawkers. I asked the ramp kids, “ Whats up", thats before "Wazzup" became the proper embolization and mastication of the English language. Oh, he replied, "the God squads in town, they come in for conferences and generally stay two days and leave. Thats the weekend of Jim Bakkers affair with the beautiful secretary, they were in biblical terms “ begetting”. We simply called it Screwing and F*cking…
So I grabbed a ground crew ramp t-shirt from my locker and hung with the kids out of curiosity. What I saw ticked me off. Gold plated knobs, restrooms more opulant than many houses I have been in, gold silverware, ermine headrests, leather and satins, and velvet.
These folks in the GOD selling business pay for these aircraft with donations from those expecting the "ten-fold" return on their hard earned dollars. And they use the people starving in their ads claiming you are sending them relief money. Some of them are actually in simplistic terms are taking from the viewers in the name of God and compassion and stealing from the starving poor.
No, they didn't feed the
people in Haiti, or the orphans or the starving Somalis, nor the tornado
victims, or the earthquakes. They spoke the words and stole the money.
This is the group who use their jets to bring home the bacon.
Cool, Fast, And Expensive — Business jets today are popular and sold in increasing numbers as the economy permits. Our religious moguls are not having a meltdown, bubble busting, overtaxed time, of it. They can afford the best because they do not have to share it with the government. The problem is the dollars. The dollars for Jesus break down as follows. One for Jesus, two for the TV time, and three for me and my ancillary expenses.
They get free money big time every day when they open their mail or look at their credit card balance. That was the money to feed the poor, house the homeless and to bring Jesus into your life. It seems the Jesus part cost a lot of money. TV Studios, staff, secretaries, producers, lots of hairstylists and makeup people, plus "the transportation for personal appearances" which consists of airplane(s), Rolls Royces, horses, cattle, ten or so extra homes and staff, and Rolexes. The list is endless.
Those days of sandals and hoping from town to town on ass's are gone. Multi-million dollar (23M) jets carry the ass's now wherever they have to go. The fuel bills and crew costs for one month could feed an orphanage and pay the bills for a year.
Those folks on the dais answering your calls are volunteers, thats a higher level of "suckerfication" than just giving them your money. They become part of the scam. They just don't know it. The money goes to TV time or to keep their burning bush going. The rest is carefully disguised under a million different titles that the IRS has trouble with as a non-profit.
Gods Air Force — Jesus Got Around In Sandals And A Donkey —
Paula White and Rod Parsley also owns a HS 125
Jesse Duplantis, Jerry Savelle, Mark Bishop, each own
their own Cessna Citation 500.
Fred KC Price, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn has had his
own Grumman Gulfstream II’s, III’s. Copeland,
Paul Crouch, Ken Hagin's 601, and Joyce Meyer has her
own Challenger 600.