-- Dirtiest Player On the Greens —
👑 He Cheats At Golf, And Wasted Our Money — Almost $200 Million —
POLITICAL campaigners lit up Donald Trump’s Ayrshire golf course with The sign “ The Looser to remind the outgoing president he lost the election. The group “ Led By Donkeys are an activist ground illuminated the mowed lawns in front of T-RUMP Turnberry with the jibe after T-RUMP again insisted the US election was rigged. Loser was emblazoned in the grass outside T-RUMP Turnberry Credit: Led By Donkeys/on Twitter
The outgoing US president’s Ayrshire golf course was targeted by the stunt last night. In a further dig, they blared out Village People hit YMCA while filming the light show - a song favored by T-RUMP during his second term campaign.
The massive projection mimicked the American flag as it spelled out "loser" in time to the music on Wednesday night.
Posting the video to Trump’s official Twitter page, Led by Donkeys said: “We know you’re finding it difficult to accept the election result so we projected it onto your golf course with some familiar music.”
The video has already been viewed almost 500,000 times. And social media users have applauded Political activists who created the light show to remind T-RUMP he lost the election. Great job guys….
It’s not the first time have targeted Turnberry, last visited by Trump in 2018. Last month the group illuminated America's COVID rising death toll outside the course as they poked fun at how many times Trump mentioned golf in speeches.
We told earlier how Trump’s last golfing jaunt to his Turnberry course cost American taxpayers £822,000.
Trump's Tax Returns Show His Golf Courses Are Losing Him Loads of Money
According to a New York Times investigation, the president's golf courses have lost a combined $315.6 million in the last two decades.
- T-RUMP GOLF COUNT: 292 Times — Cost to Taxpayer: About $142,000,000
- + Adding this year with Secret service Fees and Lodging over 200 Million…
- Days T-RUMP has spent at Mar a Lago: 127 Cost of flights to Mar a Lago (30 so far):* ~$59,110,000
- *Days T-RUMP has spent at Bedminster: 86 Cost of flights to Bedminster (27 so far):* ~$23,515,500
- T-RUMP has visited his clubs once every this many days since his inauguration 4.9
Projected visits to golf clubs in four years: 300
Projected visits in eight years: Over 601
Total times Obama played golf during his eight year Presidency: 306 —
* THIS DID NOT INCLUDE THE IRELAND GOLF TRIP…AND IT’S SECURITY COSTS — President Donald Trump made a stop in Ireland after a three-day state visit in the United Kingdom. The president's hasty stop drew attention when he spent time at his golf resort in Doonbeg, which is his latest trip to one of his golf properties. Though T-RUMP insisted the choice of location at the resort was "convenient," his stay at the resort prompted ethics concerns and his travel back and forth to France added hundreds of miles to his trip. Presidential travel comes with some inherent steep costs, but Trump’s stop in Ireland racked up a $3-million cherry addition on top of his expensive golf trip track record.
* NEW GAO REPORT ON THE COST OF TRUMP’S TRIPS TO MAR-A-LAGO — A new Government Accountability Office report detailing costs incurred by the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security for trips T-RUMP had made to Mar-a-Lago in early 2017. Based on that report, the Washington Post estimates that trips to Mar-a-Lago alone have cost more than $64 million, a figure very close to our current T-RUMP Golf Count estimate for those same trips of $60 million.
“ Off We Go In To The Wild Blue Yonder Flying High $ For The Golfing Wonder”
FROM OFFICIAL AIR FORCE ONE LOG - Actual taxpayers cost at $186 ++ million in the Presidents extra travel and security expenses…That we know of… hidden is whats buried as expenses paid to Mar-A Lago and other courses he owns for the room and board at 650 per night per Secret Service agents who have to stay at his resorts, his resorts being the most expensive in the area. The additional car rentals and stay over add another 40-50 million for the additional secret service details. Some info not accounted yet. He makes money for his resorts on these trips…
The almost two hundred million wasted on a cheater at golf…200,000,000 is, according to the analysis, 255 times the annual presidential salary T-RUMP volunteered not to take upon winning the election. It is also three times the cost of Robert Muller’s investigation of possible Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to the Huff Post analysis.
T-RUMP has played golf with friends, famous people (including golfers Rory McIlroy, Tiger Woods, Dustin Johnson, Daniel Berger, Hideki Matsuyama, Justin Thomas, Bryson DeChambeau and Ernie Els) and for political and diplomatic purposes.
He played with Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, who has become an ally on taxes. Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe in February and November in 2017, as well in April 2018. He’s played with legendary quarterback Peyton Manning and Tennessee Senator Nutcase Bob Corker. He does seem to struggle with basic etiquette at times, as Donald T-RUMP has driven his golf cart on the greens.
We don't know if Trump has played golf every time he shows up to one of his clubs. That's because the Trump Administration has gone out of its way to bar the White House press pool from shadowing President Trump when he goes to his golf clubs. That means T-RUMP could be playing golf, or he could be hitting golf balls on the range.
TIP: Don’t drive your cart on the greens, Donald. So stupid of you… but thats to be expected when you are the emperor. And while many were dieing on the border, Donald just played through.
Donald T-RUMP apparently has no clue that he’s not supposed to drive a golf cart on putting greens. Twitter user Mike Frank shared video Tuesday of the 45th President apparently using a golf cart to drive on the greens at T-RUMP National Golf Club in Bedminster, NJ, during one of his trips to one of his 17 owned-or-operated courses.
He previously was on pace to visit his golf clubs more than 650 times in an eight-year presidency. However, his pace as of Aug. 6, 2018 now indicates T-RUMP would spend as much as 745 days of his presidency at a golf course if he wins a second term and serves both terms to completion.

President Donald T-RUMP through his T-RUMP Organization, owns or operates 17 different golf courses or properties around the world, including 12 in the United States, two in Dubai (one open, another opening in 2018), one in Ireland and two in Scotland, as well planned courses in Indonesia.
Two of those U.S. golf courses is close to his Mar-a-Lago private club in West Palm Beach, Fla., and that's where Trump plays the bulk of his golf as President in the winter. He spends plenty of time at his golf club in Sterling, Va., about 20 miles from the White House. He also loves to stay at his Summer White House at T-RUMP National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J.

How many times has Trump played golf as President of the United States? Since taking office on Jan. 20, 2017, Mr. Trump has reportedly been on the grounds of his golf courses or played golf elsewhere 188 times since becoming President, and that's as of May 19, 2019.
The cost of Trump’s golf rounds to the American taxpayer varies by round and course, but it has totaled so far in the tens of millions of dollars. Actually it is over 100 million. And in one year played more golf than President Obama played in eight.
He played with Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe in February and November in 2017, as well in April 2018. He’s played with legendary quarterback Peyton Manning and Tennessee senator Bob Corker. He does seem to struggle with basic etiquette at times, as Donald T-RUMP has driven a golf cart on the greens.

The Schmuck Cheats At Golf As Expected - You Thought Different? —
Breaking Golf Balls News And Certified Bullsh*T: President T-RUMP has posted an 18-hole golf score to @USGA Golf Handicap Information Network for first time this season - a 68 on a course with a 75.3 rating/139 slope. and it was laughed at so hard it was rumored the members of the club had to change their pants caused they peed in them from hysteria… what he didn’t tell them he had 43 mulligans…
The Cheater - T-RUMP has a reputation of being a rather prolific cheater on the golf course, with playing partners sometimes calling him out for the tendency of his mis-hit balls off the tee to miraculously end up in the fairway. T-RUMP accused of taking another player's ball to cheat and win a championship at one of his golf clubs.
Speaking with a Norwegian newspaper in 2018, the LPGA golfer Suzann Pettersen said that she had seen Trump’s cheating up close. "He cheats like hell. So I don't quite know how he is in business. They say that if you cheat at golf, you cheat at business,” Pettersen said.
(Well Said And True in his case…)
She continued: "He always says he is the world's best putter. But in all the times I've played him, he's never come close to breaking 80. But what's strange is that every time I talk to him, he says he just golfed a 69, or that he set a new course record or won a club championship someplace."
Between Trump’s claim of a shockingly low score — it was 28 strokes lower than the last round that had been recorded with the service — and his reputation on the golf course, many people on Twitter were quick to cast doubt on the validity of the President’s round. ( You mean you even thought he was honest, shame, shame, shame…)

People Twitted - He’s The Supreme Liar — I’m beginning to think that President Trump’s score cards from his rounds of golf might not be extremely accurate.
The Irish call it Shenanigans… ( We call it cheating, not new to T-RUMP -- Pinocchio's nose got bigger when he lied, with T-RUMP it is his waistline, hopefully he will explode —
Golf is a game which gives you a lot of insight into peoples character. The score is a reflection of how honest and truthful he is.
It is sad and embarrassing that to think he is was our President. A 68? Sure, If it refers to Trump’s IQ or his score after 9 holes of golf. As someone who plays and knows the game of Golf, there is no chance T-RUMP shot a 68.
If he was to be removed from office (Cheapest would be assassination @$1.38 for one .338 Lapua Round) it would save the taxpayers about three trillion dollars from the national debt which he claimed he would eliminate… please laugh, I think he meant it as a joke.
Winning counts — Cheating doesn’t —
I used to have this coach who told us, “How you do one thing is how you do everything. You loaf in practice, you’re gonna loaf in the game. You cheat on your tests, you’re gonna cheat on your wife.”
The President plays a lot of golf to maintain his weight and for health reasons. He should have dropped dead by now.
I’ve found that to be true with golf. The guy who plays slowly on the course is going to be molasses in meetings. The guy who’s generous with compliments on the course is going to do the same at dinner. And the guy who cheats on the course is going to cheat in business, or on his taxes or, say, in politics.
Jack O’Donnell worked with Donald Trump for four years as vice president of Trump Plaza Casino in Atlantic City. O’Donnell’s dad was one of the founders of Sawgrass, the iconic Pete Dye golf course near Jacksonville, Fla. “ My dad always told us to respect the game,” O’Donnell says. “ That’s the one part of the game that tells me what kind of person you are. You play the ball where it lies.” So when O’Donnell’s office colleague, the late Mark Eddis, came back after his first round with Trump, O’Donnell couldn’t resist asking.
“ So, does he improve his lie?” Eddis looked at him and threw his head back in laughter. “Every shot but the tee shot.” But why? Why does Trump cheat so much when he’s already a decent player? And how can he be so shameless as to cheat right in front of people?
They call him on it, but he just shrugs and cheats some more. It’s ruined his reputation in the golf world. Ninety percent of the people I interviewed — on and off the record — say he openly cheats. A lot of them said they stopped playing with him because of it. So why? Why cheat? Why lie? Why exaggerate his handicap, his scores, his club championships?
“Because he has to,” says Harvard psychiatrist Dr. Lance Dodes, co-author of The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump. “He needs to be the best at everything. He can’t stand not winning, not being the best. It had to have started very early in his development. To him, not being the best is like fingernails on the blackboard to you. He can’t live with it.”
Trump consistently says he doesn’t cheat. “I never touch the ball,” he says. That’s sort of true, maintains actor Anthony Anderson. “ I’m not going to say Trump cheats. But if Trump’s caddy cheats for him, is that cheating?”