Fly Fishing, Spinning Gear, Conventional, Electric Reels, Bait Casters This Magazine is the Bong

🐬 Salt Water Sportsman is a monthly magazine about recreational marine fishing in the United States and throughout the world. Originally published in Boston, Massachusetts in 1939, Salt Water Sportsman expanded from its roots covering New England waters to address saltwater fishing issues throughout the world. This magazine and it’s related webpages are the cornucopia of Salt-Water Fishing.
🐬 Expert saltwater fishing tips and advice on fishing rigs, fishing knots, fish species and more from Salt Water Sportsman. The magazine and their online are some of the best of the knowledge base in fishing in Salt Water Fishing In-shore, Bay and Ocean.
🐬 The number of species and fishing styles available to saltwater anglers is nothing short of spectacular. Fishing experts, such as charter captains and tournament anglers, often excel at one particular style of saltwater fishing. Whether it’s trolling offshore, fishing wrecks and structure, live-bating inshore inlets and bays, or fan-casting the flats, the list of different fishing techniques is extensive.
🐬 At Salt Water Sportsman, we’ve picked the brains of the best anglers for decades, uncovering tips and techniques crucial to successful fishing trips. Answers to popular fishing questions related to baits, lures, fishing knots, boats, boat maintenance, fly-fishing, and even recipes, can all be found within the easy-to-navigate sections.
These are some of the best fly lures from the magazine and here is their URL.
🐬 More Information About The Salt Water Sportsman Streamer Presentations By The Premier Magazine For The Serious Fisherman — Shown Below Are Popular Favorites And Producers By Bob Clouser - Deep Minnow, Lefty Kreh - Deceiver, Enrico Puglisi - Peanut, Homer Rhodes - Chico Fernandez — SeaDucer, Flip Pallot - Prince Of Tides, And The Authors Unknown Streamers, Woolhead Mullet, Marabou Mudder, Glades Minnow, and the Yak Hair Pinfish —
( Topping The List for me is the “ Simple- whats in a name) The Simple Glass Minnow By Carl Hansen — Who Was A Friend, Conservationist, and Fisherman, a great human being who always was willing to teach the gentle art of fly fishing. Directly Below and How to Tie It On The Next Page — Just Click Legacy

Carl Hansen Legacy

🐬 Tribute To Carl Hansen, Great Fisherman, A Great Person
Posted by Jeff Schaeffer, Repeated By a Guy Who Knew Carl— Me— He loved Fishing As He loved Life
🐟 Sidebar: Al — I met Carl at his home when I first started in Fly Fishing at one of his weekly Thursday night sessions decades ago. I never caught anything dry casting onto pavement but I learned to cast somewhat awkwardly .
I knew Carl when I met him at the iconic Bill Jackson’s Outdoor Store, inside and out, Hunting, Fishing, Skiing, Diving, and it was it was like the Bass Pro Shops before Bass… the entire Jackson family, were deeply embedded in this family business, for four decades and I was a friend and customer where Carl worked in the fishing department. He was a local respected guru in the art of Fly fishing.
A finer human being didn’t exist and no man loved his game more than him and was willing to share that love with anyone who wanted to learn… Jeff Schaeffer wrote this tidbit that gives you an insight into Carl.
🐟 The Glass Minnow — Carl Hansen was a fly angler from St. Petersburg, FL. He is known nationally as the inventor of the glass minnow pattern. Carl fished the saltwater flats near Tampa Bay, and had a unique approach.
Envision a Tampa Bay fly fishing club outing. O dark thirty, and about 50 guys with the latest incarnation of graphite rods, Abel reels galore, and flats boats warming up at the launch ramp. Everyone up the night before tying the latest trendy fly patterns. Madness and mayhem as everyone headed out to be the first one on “ Big Snook Flat" or wherever they thought they needed to go given the tide, temperature, barometer, season, and latest guide reports.
Carl would sit there at the picnic area, wait for the sun to come up so he could tie up a few bend back glass minnows. Aluminum foil, mono overwrap for the bodies, a bit of bucktail, and red thread for the heads. No cement, a cheap vise that probably came from Herters in 1955, and I think he did own one pair of sewing scissors. He would then string up a 7 foot cane rod (a three weight, no less) with a reel that I believe was made in 1917- the year may not be right but it was given to him as a kid and he was about 80 years old when I knew him.
He would then wade out in front of the picnic tables up to his knees, and no deeper. He would then cast back to shore. Although he could cast like no one else, most of his casts might be 30 feet. Each cast would last a couple minutes and he would move the fly continuously in little twitches or with a hand twist retrieve. In 2 or 3 hours he might move 30 feet.
About noon, all the young guns would come flying back to the launch ramp for the picnic, and you know how this ends. Carl would have caught more fish than the rest of the club combined. His explanation was simple: his fly was in the water, and the glass minnow moves exactly like a real baitfish. Predators move, so most of the snook, seatrout, and redfish in Tampa Bay would pass by him at some point in the morning, and would encounter a fly that looked and moved naturally that was actually in the water when they cruised by.
Carl was an amazing guy- he and his wife Esther had a Thursday ( If I am remembering right, I am pursuing 80) Night Casting clinic that met once a week at their house for over 30 years, and historians will correct me that its tenure may have been much longer. He did get some recognition of his skills, and was often asked to tie flies at Florida Heritage Festivals. He could put a fly in a target of sorts at 30 feet every time you asked him to do it. No BS, every time, and none of this false casting to get the distance right. And this was not hyperbole.
REALITY SETS IN — The club had casting contests, one of which was a tea cup at 30 feet. I saw it. He fished until the very end of his life, and when the end came he went out like the man he was. He told his family and friends that he did not want a funeral. He said that anyone who gave a damn about him should take a child fishing.

🐟 How To Make The Glass Minnow —

- Use a pliers to bend a hook bend back style. Most people bend it too far. Don’t.
- Wrap a bit of foil around the hook shank below the bend. Take a piece of 8 to 12 lb. mono, and wrap it over itself using a snell knot.
- It takes some practice, but you will end up with shiny foil body protected by mono wraps.
- Tie in a sparse bucktail wing. I think that white over greenish blue was Carl’s favorite, but he also felt that any color would work.
- It has to be sparse. Carl would have corrected my wing as resembling a feather duster. That is it.
- HINT AND TECHNIQUE: Fish the fly over any seagrass bed, bottom discontinuity, or structure. Move it slowly so it crawls along through the water column just above the grass. Expect the unexpected.
Salt water kills lures and especially streamers fast, and some streamers are five inches — and I wanted a cheap way to make streamers and a break-off is just part of the game. I harden the head with UV and my UV super dryer can do ten at a time. — They work great on bigger streamers and are sealed with UV after assembly I had no problem using the tools I built.
SALT WATER Tube Flies are great and pretty indestructible after building with coats of any of the fine products I found at Sally’s Beauty Supply, the giant makeup and personal grooming store which was right next door to Michaels Craft Shop which had great chenilles, yarns and synthetic furs, God know what you can use for streamers. All you need to use is your immagination.
My Disguise did not work — The manager of Sally’s greeted me, she asked point blank… she asked are you a hairstylist or fisherman, another fisherman? I almost fell over — “ Most men usually don’t shop here and the last one was here two days ago”. Well, I said a lot of fishermen read my blog and website.
I asked her what he bought and if she got me his name — I had on my list almost everything he had on his. Pure Acetone, final super Hard GEL Coats, that are incredible, Glow-in-the-dark stuff, and head colors from Hard As Nails in a million colors, nail polish with built in sparkle in all colors which took some really old spoons and made them new with a clear coat on top and I got a small discount as a new customer.