We have a new version of an old phrase coming from the right side of the coin, its called trickle down economics, the bastion of Republican reform.  But, Reaganomics 101 and the world economical and political picture don’t seem to be on the same page.   Of course the GOP thinks so but they have to protect their riches made on the backs of the lower and middle class and that includes T-RUMP.

When you talk about trickle down economics,  It’s possibly a mis-spelling and they might mean “ Tinkle down economics” because the GOP pee’s on the middle class again and again . Tinkle down thinking has never worked, it’s the basis of the GOP and frankly a protection racket for the rich.  Thats where the Mexican word phrase for workers  “Peons” came from. Those who work for nothing get “Peed on”.

Someone rewrote the book.  Mr. Greed. In the US we did get a little lazy and  the world stepped up their game. We are not the only players anymore. 

The Republicans continually offer trickle down economics as a way of re-development in this country.  Fine if you look at the economy and carefully at the middle class of that era. It’s simply not the same world. We are very much in competition with ourselves. We trained the world to do better and now they do it better than us. 

Let me best explain this a different way. When you were born if you are middle age or older, your world consisted of a circle perhaps in a diameter equal to a days march.  Those events occurring outside that diameter rarely had an effect on you.  In todays economy and literally the world this is not true anymore in the United States. 

The food you eat, the clothes you wear, the gas you buy, the computers and TV's you use, the watch you wear, your shoes, the drywall in your home, the nails and screws that hold your house together, the parts in the car you drive or the car itself,  all came from some other part of the world.   All by companies that have US names and foreign workers.  In a Reagan world the US companies would get the breaks and funds only to be used by the foreign workers. 

He died a few years back.  I liked the Gipper, he made me feel good about my country.   I feel some Republicans haven’t heard the news yet as they constantly talk about him.  He talked the talk and walked the walk.  Easier to talk about him and get applause than be that person on your own merits.  Thats why they never come up with some strong answers for tough questions.

They quote former President Reagan so we will assume they are of the same thinking and skill set of the late President.  Not so. They are of the partisan thinking set, a distorted idea that says, we rise due to others failures. They wish us to think their ideas and ideals are rooted in success. 

It's psychologically pacifying to quote a better time and era and the mind is happy again, so they think.  And that’s why these buffoons in Washington are always quoting Reagan. Truth is they don't have answers for today. They are firing blanks, big blanks.  Hey,  in case you didn't know it he's not alive and neither are the conditions the same nor the talent he had for picking good writers and appointments.

These full time shysters and goniffs know the buzzwords and clichés ad nauseam. "The Party of Reagan", "The Eleventh Commandment" "Tear down this wall, Mr. Gorbachev". ‘ They believe in quoting the Great Communicator so we will assume the brilliance of the man and his financial moves trickled down to who is referencing Reagan and it will work again in the same fashion. 

Our politicians today are talking, way too much talking and not doing any walking, but their wallets are swelling.  So when we, as buyers, spend money into the system, for example at Wal-Mart seventy-eight percent of every hundred dollars goes overseas.  Then it comes back in loans to us. Is every body blind as to what happening?

If you believe in trickle down, you are dumber than a rock.

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